Wednesday, September 23, 2009

In response to a comment

Thank you cannot fully tell how I feel about the comment left, about all the comments left here. This last one has hit home for so many reason's and in it I feel enlightened and encouraged. Every time I step out the door I start a journey that takes me to parts of my heart I thought left behind. I struggle with always wanting to stay just a little bit longer and talk to people just a little bit more to find out more, to teach more and yet I move on. I look into my rear view mirror to see the town fading into the horizon and I think to myself, will that person be there next year? will that town survive? When I am home from a trip, I want to head back out, always thinking I may miss something, or something is missing. When I'm on the road I feel like I should be home taking care of things, so I go back and forth on the subject. Sometimes I don't even think about it, if I did I would probably go mad.

What was said in the comment about it being so vital is so true, everything and everyone I see is a vital part in this mission. I must be respectful and always remember that I am just a visitor here. This is there home, their lives. I am heading out again, and as I sit here writing this I am gathering my information, my cards, and my life in general and being thankful that I have people like you out there that leave the amazing comments that you do.

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