Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Anwering the questions

I was asked yesterday, "what do you want to see happen through touring?" It doesn't take me long to reply. I would like to raise enough money to send a Tibetan child to school for a year, I would like to be able to make a difference in how our own culture and traditions are viewed, and foremost to be able to teach others about the Tibetan culture, help keep their traditions alive and from being forgotten. At every stop I make along this tour I hope that people will see my passion and donate to preserve the Tibetan culture. Even if it's one dollar, I think to myself "just one dollar given by hundreds can help keep a child in school to learn, to value their culture, and to dream." I'm not the type to go around asking for donations, I just can't do that. Instead I let people decide for themselves and let them feel free to donate what they feel happy with even if it's just their presence at a speech, it all helps to get my statement out there. I'm riding for a cause, I'm hoping for a future where lives are not forgotten, and I'm speaking to let my passion soar. Please feel free to check out the cause at http://www.saveaculture.org/ and learn more about why I am riding. I will also every day be posting an entry online through this website on the Tibetan culture as well as parts of our own culture and how they coincide, so if I'm not in your town you can still feel a part of my tour. This tour will take a long time to accomplish, I don't plan on flying through states and towns without stopping, I am more into stopping as much as time allows and talking to everyone possible, so if it seems like I am staying in one state for a long period of time, that is what I am doing I don't believe in leaving a place without at least exploring it, finding out it's culture and listening to people, and teaching others. So bare with me if you get frustrated and start thinking "what the heck? she is still there???" because you never know what I may turn up next.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What an amazing journey, Life is a puzzle, isn't it? When you are out there on the edges where it is all so vital, beautiful and scary you want to be home...when you are home, you need to be out there on the edge again. All we keep of the journey is the getting there.

You are living the life I dream.

Be safe, go with grace, nice bike.

Datta. Dayadhvam. Damyata.

Shantih shantih shantih
