Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Chief Joseph Highway

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Entering Wyoming

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On the road

Some of the most amazing days have past by lately. So far the weather has held out and I have met up with great people. Yesterday I ran into Paul Graves who writes Bench Wrenching for BMW MOA magazine and his wife, who are retired and ride from April until October, on this trip they were headed to the pacific coast. We had a great conversation about bikes and what we have experienced along the way. It seems that there are more motorcycles out on the road than cars, great to see! Had a slight run in with a bison, the poor guy just wanted to get down to the water as it was around 90 degrees out and the cars were not allowing him to get there so of course he got pissed off and heads straight for my bike, shaking his head back and forth and blowing and snorting, I thought to myself...oh someone in their car will probably block me from him...yeah...not so, I think they were actually taking bets as to what would happen as they were all slack jawed staring at what was going on, the bison got within 5 feet of the bike as I was sitting there saying "Oh sweet Jesus..." over and over, and then he decided to veer off the the right and around the back end of me. Thank GOD! As I headed up the road I saw a huge crowd looking off into the ditch as well as five park rangers standing around, so I thought there must be a bear etc..but kept on going as I had a huge truck trying to plow me over, and later found out unfortunately that someone had hit a black bear and ran. Why would someone do that? I really don't think you can claim you never felt hitting the black bear. What..."Oh I thought I just hit a speed bump...really?" Welcome to the National Park...

Thursday, May 27, 2010


This is for all of you that has been there for me, who have given me the courage to go on with this project and for those of you who have checked in on this website and are wondering where I am and what has been going on. It's not easy to get a project off the ground when there are those that think you may fail or that don't think your serious about what your trying to accomplish. It hasn't been exactly easy but through it all and through some very harsh comments there are people like you who read this and are believing in this project. The places that I ride through are giving me insight to myself along with the people I am meeting. Take for instance Clyde Park Montana, not the most likely of places for people to go to, not too much happens in Clyde Park, but as I sat in the Clyde Park Tavern waiting to try their famous fried green beans which the waitress said were just wonderful, I listened to the banter going on between the locals and how they were excited about the fishing season, asking how the kids are, what is happening at the ranch etc... I felt rather content to just listen and not ask question. The people of this town are happy to talk about why they are in Clyde Park but without saying a word as to why I was there or what I was doing from just sitting in the tavern I received more information as to their lives than if I would of asked them.
The fried green beans turned out to be interesting, something if you go through Clyde Park you will have to try, the waitress was beaming ear to ear as she asked me if I liked them, and I did. As I left I looked across the street to see what must have been a man of at least 90 and his son mowing the lawn and as I caught his eye he gave a big smile and waved as I rode out and headed west. That wave and smile meant more than anything else that day, it is the smallest of gestures that in any language or anyplace that I ride to are what mean the most to me. It's simple and heartwarming.

Photos from the road:

Trying out the fried green beans at the Clyde Park Tavern, MT

The crow and I trying to figure out my GoPro.

Nice tourist photo at Continental Divide Pass, Wyoming

4 feet of snow at the Continental Divide Pass

Photos of Talulah

Outside the cabin at Chico Hot Springs, MT

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

It's Been awhile...

This winter has been all about logistics and getting the word out there about the tour coming up. So the blog was on the back burner. As the days get longer and I look at the bike and the maps, my routes are getting planned and my dream is coming true. Thanks to the help of Eurotech Motorsports for all of the bike extras, Big Earth Tv for linking up my blog with their website and for the kind words, and to Aerostitch for the gear to keep me protected from the elements. As I begin this journey I will be posting video of my whereabouts as well as photographs. Please follow along with me into a place that you may never see or knew existed. Leave comments, suggestions or anything you think of. I am in the process of a documentary of this tour and would love to hear if this is something you would all be interested in.

Check out http://www.hookit.com/ and under members type in Hallie and my profile should show up. Another way to stay connected with me on this journey.

Best wishes to all who travel along,
