Tuesday, June 29, 2010

On the road

Some of the most amazing days have past by lately. So far the weather has held out and I have met up with great people. Yesterday I ran into Paul Graves who writes Bench Wrenching for BMW MOA magazine and his wife, who are retired and ride from April until October, on this trip they were headed to the pacific coast. We had a great conversation about bikes and what we have experienced along the way. It seems that there are more motorcycles out on the road than cars, great to see! Had a slight run in with a bison, the poor guy just wanted to get down to the water as it was around 90 degrees out and the cars were not allowing him to get there so of course he got pissed off and heads straight for my bike, shaking his head back and forth and blowing and snorting, I thought to myself...oh someone in their car will probably block me from him...yeah...not so, I think they were actually taking bets as to what would happen as they were all slack jawed staring at what was going on, the bison got within 5 feet of the bike as I was sitting there saying "Oh sweet Jesus..." over and over, and then he decided to veer off the the right and around the back end of me. Thank GOD! As I headed up the road I saw a huge crowd looking off into the ditch as well as five park rangers standing around, so I thought there must be a bear etc..but kept on going as I had a huge truck trying to plow me over, and later found out unfortunately that someone had hit a black bear and ran. Why would someone do that? I really don't think you can claim you never felt hitting the black bear. What..."Oh I thought I just hit a speed bump...really?" Welcome to the National Park...

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